How do I delete my Bitski account?
We are sad to see you go! If you would like your account deleted from our system, please click here to open a supp...
Bitski FAQ
These are some of the most common questions we get about Bitski! These answers are intended to be super fast and to t...
Bitski Giveaway FAQ
Giveaways FAQ What are Bitski iOS Giveaways? Bitski is periodically giving away NFTs to randomly picked winners thr...
Protecting your privacy while using Bitski
Bitski Self Custody: Bring Your Keys to the Friendliest Wallet for Crypto and NFTs We’ve all heard the phrase “not yo...
How do I enter a giveaway in the Bitski browser extension?
Did you see a sweet giveaway from Bitski on Twitter? Don't want to miss out on some NFT or crypto giveaways? You are ...
Bitski supported and unsupported regions
In general, you can sign up and use Bitski in a big number of regions around the world! For Creators, we partner wit...
What is the Bitski wallet?
The Bitski Wallet is an unparalleled consumer wallet experience powering the next wave of mass adoption in Web3. Here...
How do I create a Bitski wallet in the iOS app?
Ready to start using the Bitski iOS app and create a Bitski vault, or import another wallet inside the app? Open up t...
How to import a Metamask wallet into the Bitski iOS app
Want to import your Metamask wallet into the Bitski iOS app? It's easy! Lets see each step from start to finish. 😗 ...
How to install the Bitski browser extension
How to install the Bitski Browser extension ⬇️ On a desktop version of Chromium-based browser, use this link to downl...
Using a Passkey with your Bitski wallet
Use the most secure and easiest way to login to your wallet on Bitski with Passkeys! A "passkey" is a new way to sign...
How to use the Portfolio view on the Bitski iOS app
Do you have more than one wallet? Most of us NFT and crypto degens do! If you are constantly going to certain dapps o...
What is Bitski for Creators?
If you're thinking about signing up for Bitski for Creators, we think that's super cool. Here's an overview of what y...
Which contract type is right for me?
When you're setting up a Creator Account, you'll have the option to choose between two types of Smart Contracts. Both...
How do I publish an NFT on Bitski?
You can publish a product (we call NFTs "products") in a few easy steps. 💁♀️ 1. Get your art file (image, animatio...
How can I add a New Contract to my Creator Portal?
Adding a new contract can be easily done through your portal and is available for all users! To get started with your...
How do I token gate an NFT in the creator portal?
Token gating Want to only share or sell your NFT with a select group of users? You can set up a product behind a “tok...
How do I create a Polygon NFT contract?
Ready to create a Polygon contract and start minting NFTs for super cheap? First log into your wallet/ profile and th...
How do I integrate Bitski?
Need help on integration? Start here! 💻 Ready to get started with wallets? There are a myriad of ways to add wallet ...
Bitski's Beta user Agreement and Notification
We love feedback! If you are reading this, it means you have chosen to get involved in one of our beta programs. You ...
Where can I find documentation for developers?
Docs for devs? We got your back Please find in-depth guides/ walk throughs at this website.
What is Bitski's Developer agreement?
BITSKI FOR DEVELOPERS (TL;DR) Bitski has some awesome developer tools to let you to create a white-labeled, front-end...